Wednesday July 14th
After breakfast Megg and I went out for a walk around Oxford with the intentions of getting coffee and looking for a post office to send our post cards. At the end of Broad street we turned left unto what I think is Cornmarket street, it is a slightly more commercial street with no cars but shops and people walk and reminds me of a similar space in Lyon. So we walked down this road and kept going and stumbled upon Alice's Shoppe, a small narrow gift shop that Alice Lidell used to go to buy sugar across from Christ Church. This was the most adorable gift shop and was filled to the brim with all kinds of Alice things- mad hatter tea in little top hats, pins, magnets, clocks (Megg got the White Rabbit) aprons, chess sets- everything! I got one of those pens where you turn it and and image floats by...I have been collecting pens..and pins! So this was a really great discovery. Afterward we walked through one of the college pathways and found Merton College where Tolkien went and Magdalen College where Oscar wild attended.
Thursday July 15th
I think that besides the first weekend trip to Wales, Thursday was one of the most exciting or fulfilling days- resulting in the good kind of exhaustion. Since plans were changed for the entire group the following week, Megg and I decided to use Thursday as the day to get to Goodrich Castle instead. Having family heritage associated with it, Megg was hoping someday to reclaim her castle ruins, but the journey seemed impossible. We managed to figure out the multipart travel route though and basically took a pilgrimage to the heart of England. We took an almost 2 hour train from Oxford to Hereford (where the Mappa Mundi is that we didn't have time to see), then managed to find the bus route to Ross-on-Wye, and from there we were lucky enough to get a ride on a shuttle that stops at Goodrich Castle lane. This last ride and the following hour was the best part of the day. It was compressed into such a short amount of time compared to the travel but it turned out to be a rich experience that was incredibly worth it. It was kind of neat to have made the trip on our own separate from the BSC group and visit a place so far a way. And it really did feel far away as this castle sits on top of a hill in the heart of England and it was regal.
It could be seen from the bus driving toward it, and Megg and I were dropped off in a very small, isolated town. Once off the bus, we had to run up the hill to make the best of time and a realization came over us that we were actually in the middle of England...of England! And it is this part of the country that extends into Wales that has been most beautiful to gaze upon.
The castle is made up of this magnificent red sandstone and is made up of sever
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